Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
♥ ♥ ..GraNNy..♥ ♥
ThRoUgh The YeArS,
You'Ve WatChed Me GrEw,
As a GirL aNd,
NoW as A LaDY.
sHe'S My GrAnnY,
ShE WaS NoThIng MoRe,
I Was heR FAvoRiTe,
I KnEw iT.AnD I Love,
BeiNg WiTH hEr,
All The TimE,
aNd EvERyTiME.
when we'Re toGethER,
She'S AlWayS TeLLinG Me,
Be A GoOd One,
A s i CAn.ShE SAid To ME,
iF i Cant LivE,
wiTH OthEr pEopLe,
Just CoMe To HEr.
ShE WouLd TaKe CarE of me,
I dOn'T Want hER,
To lEaVe Me,
i Want HEr By My SidE.
GrAnnY WAs WatChiNG Over Me,
ShE'S AlwaYS GiViNG Me,
a Hug, kiSSes,
AnD SoME ADviCeS.ShE Just PuT,
her ARmS, AroUnd mE,
EvEryTiMe i'M UpSeT.
i ReMemBerEd,
When I SUng a SonG,
ShE WoUld enCoUrAgE Me,
To Go ALoNg WiTh My PAssiON.
i was WiTh Her,
SinCe i WAs A ChiLd,
ShE NevEr Got TiReD,
to SuppOrT Me ALL The TiMe.
She heLped Me,
OverCoMEd lot of,
ObStACLe ThaT,
CaMe InTo My LiFE.
She'S alWaYs,
DefFenDiNg Me,
towArDS peopLE,
Who WantS To PuLL Me DoWn.
shE's AlWays,
HiDDiNg Her ProBleMS,
towards Her GrandChilDreN,
And oTher peOpLE.she WaSn'T AfRAiD,
To Be Hurt, Just To MAke,
Us FeEL BettEr.
i Saw In her Old EyEs
and I WonDered,
hoW Long shE WiLL Be,
wiTh US.iWas So ThaNKfUl
She Was My GranDma
she TouGht Me,
how to Be StRoNg.
to FighT, SadNeSS,
And How to bea GooD PeRson In My Own Way.
tHAnk You So Much,
maMa AliCe Your The BeSt gRannY i EvEr HAd
♥ ♥ ..GodS MADE..♥ ♥
GoD crEAtEd HeAveN,
GoD CrEAted EarTH,
GoD cReatEd LighTnEss,
GoD CrEAted DArkNess.
GoD MADe LioNs,
God MADe IrOns,
God HAd No MiSTAkeS.
GoD IS miRacLe,
God MaDE ObStaCLe,
God CrEATed Adam,
God CreaTed Eve.
GoD GAve Us Heart,
So We CAn liVe,
god Gave us EyEs,
So WE CAn sEe.
God GAve US HANds,
So We Can HoLd,
God Gave us StrEngtH,
So We CAn Work.
god IS the FAther,
God IS THE sOn,
God cAn See whAt WE CAn'T,
GoD HAs EvEryThInG
.God GiVes Us SoUls,
God PuNIshEs tOo,
GoD GiVe Us Life,
God CAn TAke Our LiFe.
God IS GOd,
GoD iS A cHrIstIan,
God IS a jew.
And TherE's ONLy One God.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I'm squirming as i sleep
Trying to hide from my fears
Sucked in ever deep
My eyes are shedding tears
Trying to run away
But it all just holds me back
Trying to make me to stay
Until i finally crack
My body is growing ill
And my mind is fading through
My thoughts are going still
And my heart is going too
When will it ever stop
This never ending pain
Maybe when i drop
Once i have been slain.
Nature's Down fall
Deep in the mountains a stream overflows
Over flowing from the melting of the snows
The snows from its mountain top peek
The peek now lays so bare, so sleek
It is so sleek without it's snow
But that just goes to show
What happens when humans arrive
That nothing is able to survive
Nature is mighty
Nature is strong
Nature is usually always right
Nature is rarely ever wrong
Nature is smart
Nature always has the greater part
Nature is blue
Nature is green
Nature is true
Nature is beaming
Nature is always with grace
Nature is true
Nature is you
Nature is me
Nature will forever be free.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear power generation has been given a thrust by the use of uranium based fuel. However there would be a requirement for a ten fold increase in nuclear power generation even to attain a reasonable degree of energy self sufficiency for our country. Therefore it is essential to pursue the development of nuclear power using Thorium, reserves of which are higher in the country. Technology development has to be accelerated for Thorium based reactors since the raw material for Thorium is abundantly available in our country. Also, Nuclear Fusion research needs to be progressed with international cooperation to keep that option for meeting the large power requirement, at a time when fossil fuels get depleted.
Solar farms
Solar energy in particular requires unique, massive applications in the agricultural sector, where farmers need electricity exclusively in the daytime. This could be the primary demand driver for solar energy. Our farmers demand for electric power today is significantly high to make solar energy economical in large scale. Shortages of water, both for drinking and farming operations, can be met by large scale seawater desalination and pumping inland using solar energy, supplemented by bio-fuels wherever necessary. The current high capital costs of solar power stations can be reduced by grid-locked 100 MW sized Very Large Scale Solar Photovoltaic (VLSPV) or Solar Thermal Power Stations. In the very near future, breakthroughs in nanotechnologies promise significant increase in solar cell efficiencies from current 15% values to over 50% levels. These would in turn reduce the cost of solar energy production. Our science laboratories should mount a R&D Programme for developing high efficiency CNT based Photo Voltaic Cells. We thus need to embark on a major national programme in solar energy systems and technologies, for both large, centralized applications as well as small, decentralized requirements concurrently, for applications in both rural and urban areas.
Nature's Fury and its Management
While we are celebrating our hard earned political independence, we have to remember the sufferings of our people affected by the recent rain and flood in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka and Orissa. The city of Mumbai and other areas in Maharashtra bore the brunt of nature?s fury. The people of these areas are meeting the challenge with courage and fortitude. Maharashtra needs help at this critical juncture to mitigate the sufferings arising out of loss of life and properties inflicted by the fury of rain and flood. All the States need to express their solidarity with the people of Maharashtra in their time of distress and suffering, and collectively help in removing the pain of the people. Mumbai needs an urgent reconstruction to face unexpected heavy rain, as it happened this year. Rainfall and Floods: Rainfall and floods are annual features in many parts of the country. Instead of thinking on interlinking of rivers only at times of flood and drought, it is time that we implement this programme with a great sense of urgency. We need to make an effort to overcome various hurdles in our way to the implementation of this major project. I feel that it has the promise of freeing the country from the endless cycle of floods and droughts. Also, as a measure for preventing flooding of the streets in the cities due to heavy sustained downpour, I would suggest the Ministry of Urban Development at the Centre and the State governments to mount a programme to rebuild and modernize the infrastructure and storm-water drainage systems including construction of under ground water silos to store the excess water. This water can be treated, processed and used at the time of shortage as practiced in many other countries. Fortunately India has adequate technology and expertise in making underground tunnels for metro rail system. This technology can be used for constructing underground water storage system. Earthquake Forecasting: Another natural phenomenon that affects and causes damages of high magnitude without pre-warning in many parts of our country is the earthquake. To prevent heavy damage to the people and property, we need to accelerate research for forecasting earthquakes. Research work on earthquake forecasting is being done in many countries. We in India should have an integrated research team consisting of experts drawn from academia, meteorology and Space Departments for creating earthquake forecast modeling using pre-earthquake and post-earthquake data collected from various earthquake occurrences in our country. This can be validated periodically with the proven forecasting data available from other countries. Earth Systems Science: Many of the countries in the world have experienced successive calamities driven by the nature. Till recently, the researchers world over had been pursuing research in unconnected ways, in Climate, Earthquake, Ocean Sciences and Earth Sciences, without realizing the latent but tight coupling between these areas. This new realization has prompted many countries to pursue the interdisciplinary area of research which is now known as Earth Systems Science. It is in fact fast emerging as an area of convergence between Earth, Climate, Ocean, Environment, Instrumentation and Computer Sciences. I strongly suggest that India should mount a programme in this emerging area of Earth Systems Science. This will call for a dedicated, cohesive and seamless integration between researchers in multiple areas and in multiple organisations. Further, Earth Systems Science doesn?t obey political or geographical borders. It is truly a science and its intensive results would make our planet safe and prosperous. Unlike research in strategic areas, wherein the nations have to maintain superiority over other nations, Earth Systems Science is the ultimate realization of the human kind to collaborate since no nation is safe if its neighbours are not. Nature?s fury knows no borders.
Goals and Policies
Now friends, I would now like to discuss with you some goals, strategies and policies for a major national mission to attain Energy Independence. Energy Consumption Pattern in India in 2005: We have to critically look at the need for Energy Independence in different ways in its two major sectors: Electric power generation and Transportation. At present, we have an installed capacity of about 121,000 MW of electricity, which is 3% of world capacity. We also depend on oil to the extent of 114 million tonnes every year, 75% of which is imported, and used almost entirely in the Transportation Sector. Forecasts of our Energy requirements by 2030, when our population may touch 1.4 billion people, indicate that demand from power sector will increase from the existing 120,000 MW to about 400,000 MW. This assumes an energy growth rate of 5% per annum. Electric Power Generation Sector: Electric power generation in India now accesses four basic energy sources: Fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal; Hydroelectricity; Nuclear power; and Renewable energy sources such as bio-fuels, solar, biomass, wind and ocean. Fortunately for us, 89% of energy used for power generation today is indigeneous, from coal (56%), hydroelectricity (25%), nuclear power (3%) and Renewable (5%). Solar energy segment contributes just 0.2% of our energy production.
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